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Having Fun & Bonding

Finding The Element Of Fun

Time is slowly passing by and when dads not here I take over . Deployments are defiantly not fun at all . Trust me I get it you can get  overwhelmed with it all and outnumbered .  That is  why they say stay busy .  no fun love mixing things up with my family . They always say to find the balance right ? So teaching my kids especially my boys how to play 4 square , horse, riding bike ,hiking , picnic or zombies games is fun . It also helps me in turn bond with them and loosen then up . I mean come on they are boys and when dad is deployed . I take over in that department and we are able to talk . We talking about girls, school, friends , new interest in there lives . I really want my kids to feel like they can tell me anything . Time is slowly passing by and when dads not here I take over .

Taking Care Of Yourself

In the end I can’t wait till the girls get old enough to teach them cats in the cradle , jump rope games from when I was there age . I learned that the kids actually enjoy me doing these things with them . Plus going outside and working up a sweat with them is fun to . breathing the fresh air and playing with what brings a smile to your face is exactly what you need when your fight the sadness. whatever brings you joy do something for yourself . It could be something simple like going to a movie by yourself,wine night with the ladies,change your hair color , clothing shopping . Have a babysitter on call or one of the housewives ,teenage kids watch the kids for a night off. Every mom,grandmother,father needs a break sometimes to . Get the kids some movies and a pizza night with a little something to drink for yourself that you enjoy . It will help you press the reset button and turn that frown upside down .

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