Who AM I ?

I’am a fun-loving mom,wife,student,public speaker and coach . Had lost track of who I was as a person . Letting my health issues break my fun -loving spirit . Feeling very much lost and not knowing how to find myself again .Felt almost stuck,envious at times because I did not feel comfortable in my own skin anymore . after a very serious talk with my husband was exactly the wake up call I needed . Low and behold I found her and much,much,more .The reason and my passion for helping people is because family is everything to me . Noticing the connection between Family,Fitness and Food is the very driving force behind our family .

Public Speaker & Coach ?

Once you find yourself again . Theres something very empowering about that and suddenly you start dreaming again . Thats what we do as human being we grow ,evolve and change . people have always felt at ease with talking to me about whatever they are going through . Feeling like this was the right moment to step into that public speaking area has filled my life with so much join . Coaching is just that empowering others to use there struggles as a stepping stone to bigger and better things in there life . Having the great honor and privilege to witness it is truly a great blessing .


Our Goal For 2018

Before I tell you how ,Let me tell you why ? Because it’s very important to me .While my husband was deployed the kids went through a deep depression . They stopped eat, not playing , not even wanting to get dressed anymore . I took them to the doctor and had found out they lost 15 lb in a week . So They had some intense therapy , and we moved in with my parents . I just wanted to get them somewhere around family . Maybe it would help them . I was desperately trying to figure out how to help them . Thank goodness for  the health care we have helped but more than anything . Not only dealing with there issues but also my own . Never telling anyone but family what was really going on with us . I learned two things out of that experience . One I needed to bond with my kids more and school took a back seat for a minute . Two were there other parents just like me ?thats where the Forging The bonds webinar was created from . All the tools learned through out that very difficult time in our life . To help our community as a whole to only to bond but to get them to open up again . 

We recently launched our first FREE Webinar this year with a goal of helping 200 Families create 5 positive New Memories this year .