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Are You Afraid To Call Your Shot ?

The Fear oF Failure


Being a highly competitive person myself . Probably had something to do with the fact of middle child forgotten zone .  Yes we were trained early on in life to aim high . Failure was not an option because most likely your sister or brother would never let you hear the end of it .now as an adult that voice is inside of you . Telling everyday you’re gonna fail at whatever you most want to do . Fearing that people will judge you based on that failure is what stops most of us from sharing with our loved ones . Funny how lessons in life keep coming till you overcome it right .

Losing Sight oF The Shore

Let’s think where would we be if we did not ever take a chance ? What would our life be like ? Life isn’t worth living if we never take those chances . Our very life is built on that concept .We have so many opportunities coming in and out the door all the time .Failure helps us learn how to begin again more intelligently than before .It’s all in how you choose to view the lesson being learned .


It Feels Good Winning

Once you start looking at it in this way . Give it a little bit . Soon you may start to see a change in your day to day life . New opportunities opening up for you . The way you feeling everyday , a smile that never comes off your face . Gasp people start wanting to actually hang out with you . funny how when your life is going the way you want it to . The more successful you become and start to feel . The first step is always the hardest to step to take . Once you lose that Fear of Failure the sky’s the limit . So here’s to reaching for the stars .


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