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You Can Eat for Good Skin

There are foods you can eat that will benefit your skin. These are also good for you too. Nutrition that helps your skin is not uncommon foods. You may have some of these already in your kitchen.

Helpful Skin Food

Have a water habit of at least 8 -10 glasses each day. Doing this can combat the dullness of your skin by giving you a fresh glow.

Fruits such as grapes and berries are high in antioxidants that work as UV damage blockers. Also, a snack of walnuts or pecans will be beneficial.

Herbs and spices such as cinnamon, cloves, garlic, basil, thyme, and oregano have phytonutrients that create a reduction in damaged skin cells that degrade collagen in the skin, which have the potential to make lines and wrinkles.

Breaking Out
Eating processed sugars, deep-fried foods, and red meat are all associated with acne. Grab some primarily plant-based unsaturated fats instead. What are those? Nuts, avocado, vegetable oil, whole grains, veggies, and fruit.

What you eat does have an impact on your whole body health.
More and more research shows that your diet is also related to your skin health.

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