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Battle Of The Beds

How Will You Survive   Yes that why I titled this paragraph this . Sometimes when your out numbered by the kids . It’s all that keeps you going .... Continue Reading

Flower Power

Flowers are not only pretty colors in nature that you get to experience. There are many people that love flowers because they are edible. Not every flower can be eaten... Continue Reading

Breakfast With The Kids

  Breakfast Before Food Shopping   We have all been there before . Right before the big food shopping trip you’re looking for something to make .What do you have... Continue Reading

Are You A Champion ?

 Are You Tearing Yourself Down ?   Think of it this way when you ask yourself that question . How Many times a day do we spend taking badly about... Continue Reading

Proud Mommy Moment

  Busy Little Mommy Bee   Sometimes When we get very busy as parents . We go into these robotic modes and trying to get everything done . We think... Continue Reading